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The Danube Page 40

Jáki, Gabor, president of Hungarian Shipping Association (i)

  Jaróka, Livia, Hungarian Roma MEP (i)

  Jasna Góra monastery (i)

  Jason and the Argonauts (i), (ii), (iii)


  in Bulgaria (i)

  Hungarian (i)

  monument at Kladovo (i)

  in Ottoman empire (i)

  Jiu, River (i)

  John Nepomuk, Saint (i)

  John Sobieski, King of Poland (i)

  Jókai, Mór, Golden Man (i)

  Jorsa, Aleksa, farmer (i)

  Jovanović, Boris, archaeologist (i)

  József, Attila, poet (i)

  Juan, Professor Constantin (i)

  Justinian the Great, Byzantine Emperor (i)

  Jutta, wood carver (i)

  Kádár, János, Hungarian prime minister (i)

  Kadri, Ali, Ada Kaleh businessman (i)

  Kalemegdan fortress

  Belgrade (i)

  military museum (i)

  Kálmán, Emmerich (Imre), composer (i)

  Kalocsa, Hungary, Paprika Museum (i)

  Kameradenbund (Association of Former Soldiers) (i)

  Kanikova, Sonia, writer (i)

  Kanizsai, Dorottya, heroine of Mohács (i)

  Karanovo culture (i)

  Karaorman, Romania (i), (ii)

  forest (i)

  Karbovski television show, Bulgaria (i)

  Kelheim, Germany (i)

  Celtic oppidum (i)

  Kepler, Johannes, astronomer (i)

  kifli (Hungarian bread roll) (i)

  Kinross, Patrick (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Kirilov, Nikolai

  Roma intellectual (i), (ii)

  writer (i)

  Kladovo, Serbia (i)

  former caviar factory (i)

  Jewish monument (i)

  museum (i)

  Klein, Jacques, US General, UNTAES administration (i)

  Klopcsek, Tamás, caretaker (i)

  Klosterneuburg, Austria (i)

  Pied Piper story (i)

  Kneeling Oak, Karaorman forest (i)

  Kolev, Momcilo, circus owner (i)

  Kondrat, David, Russian in Romania (i)

  Konstantinov, Aleko

  Bay Ganyo goes to Europe (i)

  To Chicago and Back (i)

  Kopački Rit wetland forest (i)

  Kopaonik, Mount (i)

  kopjafák (carved wooden grave posts) (i)

  Köprülü the virtuous (Mustafa Zade), Ottoman Grand Vezir (i), (ii)


  independence from Serbia (2008) (i)

  monasteries (i)

  Kosovo, Battle of the Field of Blackbirds (1389) (i)

  Kosovo Liberation Army (i)

  Kossuth, Lajos, reformer (i)

  Koyun Baba, Bektashi mystic (i)

  Krafft, Lutz, mayor of Ulm (1377) (i)

  Kraljević, Marko, Serbian hero (i), (ii)

  Krushchev, Nikita (i)

  Krušedol monastery (i)

  Kuhn, Hans Peter, sound artist (i)

  kurgans (burial mounds) (i)

  Lacka, Hungarian interpreter (i)

  Lajos II, king of Hungary (i), (ii), (iii)

  Langobard people (i)


  Dacian (i)

  Roma (i), (ii), (iii)

  Romanian (i)

  Lauringen, Germany (i)

  Lazarević, Stefan, Serbian despot (i), (ii)

  Lazarevo, Serbia, Mladić captured at (i)

  legends (i)

  Lehár, Franz, composer (i)

  Leopold I, Emperor (i)

  Leopold V, Duke of Bavaria (i)

  Lepenski Vir, Serbia, Mesolithic settlement (i), (ii)

  fish gods/goddesses (i)

  inscribed stone (i)

  leper colony, Tichileşti (i)

  leprosy (i), (ii)

  Lewis, Bernard, historian (i)

  limestone quarries, Basarabi (i)

  Lom, Bulgaria

  market (i)

  river beach (i)

  Roma population (i)

  Lom, River (i)

  Ludwig, Prince (i)

  Lupu, Recep, Roma leader (i)

  madder root (i)

  Magony, István, shepherd (i)

  Magyar, László, explorer (i)

  Mahart state shipping company (i)

  Mahmoudia, Romania (i)

  Majdanetskoe, prehistoric settlement (i)

  Majdanpek, Serbia, Neolithic copper mining (i)

  Marcell, Béla, museum director (i)

  Marcomanni tribe (i), (ii)

  Marcus Aurelius, Emperor (i), (ii), (iii)

  bust (i)

  Meditations (i), (ii)

  statue at Tulln (i)

  Maria Himmelfahrt pilgrimage church, Bogenberg (i)

  Maria Theresa, Empress (i)

  markets, open-air (i)

  Marmoreanu, Gheorghe, earthquake expert (i)

  Maros (Mures), River (i)

  Marsigli, Count (i)

  master carver, story of (i)

  Matthaeus Merian the Elder (i)

  Mátthias, king of Hungary (i)

  Matuska, Szilveszter, Hungarian train bomber (i)

  Mauthausen, Austria, concentration camp (i)

  Măcin, Romania (i)

  Maximilian, Prince (i)

  May, Karl, poet of American Wild West (i)

  meanders (i)

  restoration of (i), (ii)

  Mečiar, Vladimir, Slovak prime minister (i)

  Medgidia, Romania (Karasu) (i)

  Mehmed the Conqueror (i), (ii)

  Melk Abbey, Austria (i)

  Mengen-Ennetach, Roman museum (i)


  pollution (i)

  used in gold extraction (i)

  Merlini, Marco, archaeologist (i)

  mesere (Roma justice) (i)

  Meštrović, Ivo, sculptor (i)

  metallurgy, Anatolian (i)

  Metternich, Count (i), (ii)n12

  Michael, King of Romania (i)

  Midhat Pasha, governor of Danubian Principalities of Bulgaria (i)

  Miedler, Hermann, fisherman (i)

  Mikuska, Tibor, Croatian conservationist (i)

  Milea 23 village, Romania (i)

  Milošević, Slobodan (i), (ii)

  Miroč, Serbia (i)

  Miscov, Ioana, leper (i)

  Miskin Baba, Bektashi mystic (i)

  legend of (i)

  Mithras, cult of (i), (ii), (iii)

  Mladić, Ratko (i)

  capture of (i)

  Moesia, Roman province (i)

  Mohács, battle of (1526) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Mohács, battle of (1687) (i)

  Mohács, Hungary (i), (ii)

  Busó festival (i)

  Mohl, Arno, conservation expert (i)

  Moldova (i), (ii)

  border with Romania (i)

  tobacco companies (i)

  Morava, River (i), (ii), (iii)

  Mosna, Serbia (i)

  mosques, Babadag (i), (ii)

  mosquitoes (i), (ii)

  Mother Baar, statue (i)

  Mracuna monastery, Romania (i)

  mulberry trees (i), (ii)

  Murad II, Sultan (i)

  Murfatlar, Romania (Basarabi) (i)

  Murighiol lake (i)

  musical stone, prehistoric (i)

  Mustafa, Grand Vezir (Kara Mustafa) (i)

  Nagy, Imre, Hungarian Prime Minister (i)

  Nagy, László, director of Baja port (i)

  Nagymaros, Hungary (i)

  see also Gabcikovo-Nagymaros hydroelectric dam

  NATO, bombardment of Serbia (1999) (i), (ii), (iii)

  Natovi, Tseko, and family (i)

  Neagu, Marian, museum curator (i)

  Neckar, River (i)

  Nedjelkov, Danail, Danube Commission (i)

  Negotin, Serbia (i)

  Negru Voda, Romania (i)

  Nenov, Nikolai, museum director (i), (ii)

Neolithic period (i)

  figurines (i)

  meat trade (i)

  Vinča culture (i)

  see also Copper Age

  Nicholas II, Tsar (i)

  Nicholas, Saint (i)

  Nicolae, Nicolas de, Orientation et Navigation Orientale (1568) (i)

  Niculiţel, Romania (i)

  vineyards (i), (ii)

  Niederalteich, Germany (i)

  Nikolov, Milan, Roma politician (i)

  Nikon, Patriarch (i)

  Nikopol (Nikopolis), Bulgaria (i), (ii), (iii)

  Nikopolis, battle of (1396) (i), (ii)

  Niš, Serbia, NATO bombardment (i)

  Njegić, Jovan, Vukovar (i)

  Noricum, Roman province (i)

  Norway, joint research project with Romania on sturgeon (i), (ii), (iii)

  Novi Sad, Serbia (i)

  Beška bridge (i)

  Liberty bridge (i)

  Petrovaradin fortress (i)

  Varadin bridge (i)

  Nussdorf, battle of (1683) (i)

  obsidian flint (i)

  Obstle, Gerhard, organic farmer (i)

  ‘Old Europe’ (i), (ii), (iii)

  Olescu, Vasile, leper (i)

  Olt, River (i), (ii)

  Oniga, Doru, hotel owner (i), (ii)

  Oniga, Nicolae (i), (ii)

  Oprisan, Adrian, reed cutter (i), (ii)

  Orbán, Viktor, Hungarian prime minister (i)

  Ordas, Hungary (i)

  Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) (i)

  Orşova, Romania (i), (ii)

  Osman, Erwin, boatman (i)

  Ottensheim, Austria, cable ferry (i)

  Ottoman Empire (i), (ii)

  conquest of Hungary (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  conquest of Serbia (i)

  loss of Hungary and Transylvania (i)

  and siege of Vienna (i), (ii), (iii)

  Ottoman Turks (i)

  Ovčara farm, Serbia (i)

  owls (i)

  oyster shells (spondylus gaederopus), prehistoric trade in (i), (ii)

  Pacuiul de Soare island (i), (ii)

  paddle-steamer Tudor Vladimirescu (i)

  Paks, Hungary (i)

  ‘Pale Mother Germany’

  poem (i)

  statue (i)

  Palmerston, Lord (i)

  Pambuk Baba, Bektashi saint (i)

  Pancevo oil refinery (i)

  Papo, Eliezer, Pele Yoetz (i)

  paprika (i)

  parlagfű (weed) (i)

  Passau, Germany (i)

  labyrinth (i)

  salt trade (i)

  Veste Oberhaus fortress (i)

  peasantry, decline of (i)

  Pecheneg tribe (i)

  Pécs, Hungary (i)

  museum (i)

  pelicans (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  Pentecostalism, Roma community (i)

  Perényi, Ferenc, bishop (i)

  Perkov, Nikolai, politician (i)

  Persina Nature Park, Belene (i)

  Petőfi island (i)

  Petőfi, Sándor, poet (i)

  Petrescu, Daniel, guide (i), (ii)

  Petrics, Sóma Orlai, painter (i)

  Petrovaradin, Serbia

  battle for (1716) (i), (ii), (iii)

  fortress (i)

  museum (i)

  Pied Piper of Hamelin story (i)

  pike (i), (ii), (iii)

  pike-perch (i), (ii), (iii)

  Piteşti, Romania (i)

  plague (i)

  Plavi, Momir

  forest worker (i)

  Miroč (i)

  Plevna (Pleven), Bulgaria (i)

  Pločnik, Serbia (i)

  Plopu village, Romania (i)

  Plovdiv, Bulgaria (i)

  plovers, little ringed (i)

  Poarta Albǎ, Romania (i)

  Pogačnik, Marko, Slovene geomancer (i)

  Poiana Sibiului region (i)

  Pokraina, Bulgaria (i)


  chemical spillages (i), (ii)

  industrial (i)

  Ponicova cave (i)

  pop music

  Ruse, Bulgaria (i)

  Serbia (i)

  Popescu, Ovidiu, curator of Brancusi's works (i)

  poplar trees (i), (ii)

  Canadian poplars (i)

  Popov, Vasile, Danube stories (i), (ii)

  Poreč island (i)

  Porečka, River (i)

  Portugal, Roma in (i)


  Hungarian (i)

  Neolithic Vinča (i)

  prehistoric (i), (ii)

  Roman oil-lamps (i)

  Slovene (i)

  Tripol'ye-Cucuteni culture (i)

  Prachatice (Prachatitz), Czech Republic (i)

  prayer-construction, Austria (i)

  prehistory (i), (ii)

  grave goods (i), (ii)

  hocker burials (i), (ii)

  independent cultures (i), (ii)

  Lepenski Vir (Mesolithic settlement) (i), (ii)

  Tripol'ye-Cucuteni culture (i), (ii), (iii)

  Vinča culture (Neolithic) (i)

  see also Copper Age; Neolithic period

  Prilavić, Ivan, Croat near Vukovar (i)

  Princip, Gavrilo (i), (ii)

  prison camps

  Belene (i), (ii), (iii)

  Mauthausen concentration camp (i)

  Romania (i)

  Prokuplje, Serbia (i)

  Provolovič, Dragan, archaeologist (i)

  Prut, River (i), (ii)

  Pushkin, Alexander (i)

  Quadi tribe (i)

  Ráckeve, Hungary (i)

  Radnoti, Miklós, Hungarian poet (i)


  Bulgaria (i), (ii)

  Romania (i)

  rakia (plum brandy) (i)

  Rákóczi, Ferenc, monument to (i)

  Ram, Serbia, fortress (i)

  Ranshofen, Austria (i)

  Raykov, Svetlin, Roma leader (i)

  Razim, Lake (i)

  artificial dykes and channels (i)

  Reed, John, journalist (i)

  reeds (i)

  cutting (i)

  reed banks (i), (ii)

  Refik, cable ferry mate (i)

  Regensburg, Germany (i)

  Regler, Father Balthasar (i)

  Reimer, Márton, miller (i)

  Rhine, River (i)

  relationship to Danube (i)

  Richard the Lionheart, King (i)

  Roma people

  arrival of (i)

  at Babadag (i)

  Bulgaria (i)

  education (i), (ii), (iii)

  Holocaust and (i)

  in Hungary (i)

  justice system (i), (ii)

  and Karbovski television show (i)

  language (i), (ii)

  remittances (i)

  Roman Empire (i), (ii)

  border garrisons (i)

  and Bulgaria (i)

  and Dacians (i), (ii), (iii)

  Danube frontier (i)

  fort at Nikopolis (i)

  monument to Trajan (i)

  Trajan's walls (Romania) (i)

  tribal invasions (i), (ii)

  Romania (i)

  customs authority (i), (ii)

  land reform (1864) (i)

  uprising against Ceausescu dictatorship (i)

  and USSR (i)

  Romanian Communist Party (i), (ii)

  Rome, Trajan's column (i)

  roses (i)

  Rosetti, Constantin, statesman (i)

  Rossatz, Austria (i)

  Rovine, Battle of (1395) (i)

  Rudna Glava, Serbia, copper mines (i)

  Ruse, Bulgaria (i)

  bridge of Friendship and Unity (i), (ii)

  Koloseum Circus (i)

  Regional History Museum (i)

  Roman fortresses (i)


  Act of Religious Freedom (1905) (i)

  and Balkans (i)

Crimean War (i)

  tobacco companies (i)

  Russian Orthodoxy (i), (ii), (iii)

  Old Believers (i), (ii)


  in delta region (i)

  in Ghindǎreşti (i)

  Sacalin island (i)

  St Stefano, Treaty of (1878) (i)

  saints, Bektashi (i), (ii)

  Saladin (i)

  Saligny, Angel, bridge builder (i)

  salmon (huchen) (i)


  Passau (i)

  prehistoric mines (i)

  prehistoric trade in (i), (ii)

  sand martins (i)

  sand-dunes (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Sarajevo, assassination of Archduke Ferdinand (i), (ii)

  Sarajevo, siege of (i)

  Sari Saltuq (i)

  tombs of (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Sarmatians (i), (ii)

  Sarmizegetusa, Dacian capital (i), (ii)

  Sárvári, István, Water Resources Research Centre (i)

  Sava, River (i)

  Sax, Boria, historian (i)

  Schiele, Egon, artist (i)


  Alan (i)

  Dacian runic (i), (ii)

  ‘Danube’ (i), (ii)

  Scythians (i)

  Second World War

  Austria (i)

  Hungary (i)

  Novi Sad massacres (i)

  post-war famine (i)

  Red Army (i)

  Russians in Slovakia (i)

  stories of (i)

  Ustashe (Croatian fascists) (i)

  Seehofer, Hannes, ecologist (i)

  Seferis, George, poet (i)

  ‘Argonauts’ (i)

  Sehić, Lana, Austrian police officer (i)

  Selim, Turkish sultan (i)

  Serban, Costica, leper (i)

  Serbia (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  as buffer state (i)

  and Hungary (i)

  and Kosovo (i)

  NATO attacks on (i), (ii), (iii)

  and Turks (i), (ii), (iii)

  war with Croatia (i)

  Serbian Orthodox Church, monasteries (i)

  Serbian Writers Union (i)

  Serbs, in Hungary (i)

  settlements, prehistoric (i), (ii)

  Sevastopol, Russian naval base (i)

  Severinus, hermit (d.482) (i)

  Sexaginta Prista, Ruse, Roman fortress (i)

  Sfântu Gheorghe, Romania (i), (ii)

  The Shade of the Balkans (folksongs) (i)

  sheep, Hungary (i), (ii), (iii)

  shipping (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  barges (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  British (i)

  cargo ships (i)

  Freudenau tug (i)

  fuel stations for (i)

  paddle-steamer (i)

  passenger cruisers (i), (ii), (iii)

  riverboat Tatabánya (i)

  steamships (i)

  zille transport boats (i), (ii)

  Sibiscanu, Elena, memories of Danube canal (i)

  Šibl, Jaromír, director of Broz (i)

  Sidurenko, Ilie, fisherman (i)

  Sigismund, King of Hungary (i), (ii)

  Sigmaringen, Germany, castle (i)

  Silistra, Bulgaria (i)

  silk and silkworms (i), (ii)

  Simian island (i), (ii)

  Simpson, John, journalist (i)

  Sinescu, Maria, lighthouse custodian (i)

  Siret, River (i)